Can we really slow down the ageing process??

While I was watching the fan-made trailer of Titanic 2 yesterday, it struck my mind. Can we actually ramp down the aging process? I was astonished seeing Jack alive in the trailer. If you have seen the old Titanic then, you must be aware that Jack died at the end of the movie, his body froze out completely and sank into the sea. In this trailer, the fan has tried to bring him back from the dead. Not only that, you will see him still in his 20’s.


In Bollywood and even Hollywood movies have been made on the same concept. One such Bollywood movie was Nagina in which, saint-like Amrish Puri turned into devil speculating that Naagmani can make him immortal. 

Even in Hollywood, If you remember The Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone where Voldemort wants to kill the Harry Potter for Philosophers stone ( a stone which can make him immortal. 

Anyways these movies are based on fantasy and do not relate to reality. 

The epic Ramayana talks about Sanjivini (a kind of medicine used to possess immortality). Unfortunately, we haven't succeeded in finding such Sanjivani. But through many scientific technologies, we have found out several ways to deaccelerate the aging process. I will be focussing on factors that influenced the aging process on this blog.

How do we age?

I won't cover the technical aspects of aging. I will just give you a brief understanding of how do we age and what is the aging process? 

As you start aging, your body encounters sudden physical, chemical, and biological changes. Although the actual causes of aging are vague, few biologists have considered the chromosome to be the main reason for aging. Chromosomes are the string-like structures where your 'DNA' resides. These can be found in every single cell in your body. At the end of each DNA are little-known things called 'Telomeres'. These are like plastic bits that cover the ends of your shoelaces. They control the aging process. 

One who has longer telomeres lives longer and vice versa. Their aging process delays and have more strength to combat the diseases. They look younger as compared to one having short telomeres.

What factors influence the aging process?

As we already discussed above, telomeres manage the aging process. If we can find the ways to stabilize telomeres, we can easily control aging process. For that let's talk about the factors which can balance telomeres and thus helps in retarding the aging process. 

We have already read in many books that to stay young one should lead a healthy lifestyle and improve their food habits.

Apart from this, there are several other factors which affect the aging process. 
  1. Mild Exercise - Exercise can decelerate the aging process. But according to some researchers, it has proved that extreme exercise can actually be harmful to your telomeres. 
  2. Food - Several foods help in bringing your youth back. We all know that processed food and foods containing the high amount of sugar are unhealthy. Moreover, they also make you look old. Foods like Blueberry, Dark chocolate, Walnuts, fig, avocado, salmon, turmeric etc aid in impeding the aging process. 
  3. Antioxidants- Omega fatty acids, amino acids, green tea, and probiotics prevent wrinkles. 'CoQ10' prevents heart disease Alpha lipoic acid balances the sugar levels and thus may prevent Diabetes. Glutathione regulates the immune system and considered as a powerful supplement in slowing down the aging process. 
  4. Sound Sleep - Sleeping habits also affect the aging process. If you want to look young follow your 8 hours beauty sleep routine. 
  5. Happy married life-The more content you are from inside, the more your face will glow.  A happy and active love life may also slow down your aging. The more emotionally content you are, the longer will be your telomeres. Those who are happily married tend to look younger. 
  6. Volunteering -  Volunteers live longer than non-volunteers. Helping others, providing social integration and support releases hormones such as oxytocin and progesterone that regulate stress.
  7. Diligent behavior- One who is organized, dedicated towards their work, laborious, punctual, disciplined in every aspect of their life stays healthy and young.

In conclusion, We can't stop the aging process. We should embrace our age graciously. Simply by adopting aforesaid ways, we lengthen our telomeres and thereby delay the aging process.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kopal,
    Bravo, Nice to see that you have selected a very challenging topic this time and I am very happy to read your blogs with proven facts.
    Best of luck for your next blog.


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